New Job, New Life: The Transformative Power of Becoming a Franchisee

Becoming a Franchisee - Paul Davis & Steve Trapp - EventPrep - Event Planning Business

If you are reading this, chances are that you stand at a crossroads in your life. You might be searching for something. You might be that person who sits up at night, dreaming of doing more…of being more. That was my business partner, Paul, and I. We’d sit around the barbecue with a beer in hand and talk about all the things that could be. And then we made it a reality.

Paul and I didn’t plan to capture the number one spot in the $25 billion dollar event planning industry. We didn’t plan to eventually go on to have hundreds of millions of dollars in contracts. Nor did we plan to experience nearly 25,000% growth over the first three years and make the Inc 500 twice, ranked number 23 and number 2—becoming the second fastest growing privately held company in the United States.

We may not have planned for it, but we were prepared. Little did we realize we had been preparing for success our entire lives. And whether you know it or not, you’ve been preparing your entire life for this very moment. Every job, every set back, every time you’ve fallen and gotten back up, every experience has led to you reading these very words at this moment in your life. And, just maybe, owning your own business and becoming a franchisee.

You are the reason Paul and I went on to launch EventPrep®, a home-based, life-style franchise opportunity—a forward-thinking, full-service event planning and management company, headquartered in Central Florida. It leverages our parent company’s globally recognized brand name, Federal Conference, while capitalizing on our in-depth industry experience and relationships. Our reach is global, and our primary focus is to save clients time, money, and anxiety while planning unforgettable events.

One of our most successful franchisees said goodbye to his old life and hello to a new one. A new life where he makes over three times his old salary as a hotel manager. In his own words:

“It’s a completely different world. I wake up and get to take my son to school almost every day now (never once before). I missed out on so much when he was a baby. I go to work in my pajamas while I sip on my coffee and no one disturbs me, except my dog. I make my own schedule, vacation when I want to and answer to no one. I am valued by Paul and Steve and love being a part of building the business and helping new franchisees. I get to travel to so many places now for conferences and sites, and I get spoiled along the way (never a bad thing), where I used to be the one spoiling my clients.  In short, my life has done a 180 degree turn and I could not be happier.”

And if you think you are too old, or too young, or too broke, or not smart enough, or not organized enough to succeed, you are wrong. It’s never the wrong time to take control of your destiny, become a franchisee, and transform your entire life!